How many types are there of stenography?
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How many types are there of stenography?

Updated: Nov 29, 2022

Hello guys, welcome back to the blog section of our site that is In this post you will get the information about the types of stenography and usefull one to be stenographer in India.

In the history of shorthand we find many types of shorthand such as Geometric and script like systems, systems resembling standard writing, variety of vowel, machine shorthand system. But there is no need of reading about these systems in details but if you are interested you can go to Wikipedia and can go deep it. But here we will try to find a way that we need. Actually, this time all over India we will see the most important script for stenographer job profile is Hindi and English shorthand script. You will also get important of some regional language shorthand state wise. When we come to English shorthand there are four popular types of shorthand are present.

  1. Pitman Shorthand

  2. Slone Dupllown.

  3. Gregg

  4. Dutton

The most interesting and famous in these English shorthand’s is Isaac Pitman shorthand. If you want a pdf for learning the same then click here. As for the writing toll it really does not matter. Stenographers use whatever they feel most comfortable with and because of this the shorthand scripts of difference stenographer does not match despite of the use of same key which are predefined.

Now if we come to Hindi shorthand the most popular one is Rishi Pranali and you can also be a stenographer by leaning the same with the help of a book named Hindi sanket lipi written by Shri. Gaya Prasad Aggrawal. If you want the pdf of the same then click here.

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